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Parks & Recreation 08/06/12 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday, August 6, 2012
Room 10, Town Hall at 8:15pm
Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Patricia Fillmore (PF), Ron Kern (RK), Heidi Cushing-Candelario (HC)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Tardy:  Billie Luker (BL),
Absent: Mike Fitzpatrick, Maureen Stevens (MS),
Call to order: 7:02pm; Quorum, called by Rita Mullin

Audience of Citizens:  None

Acceptance of Minutes:  7/16/12
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of 7/16/12 as is.
(HC) Heidi Cushing-Candelario seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
                Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed

New Business

Old Business
•       Park Director Update (MS/MT)
o       Bike Racks: Marty informed everyone that he received about 8 bike racks delivered which was due to the grant received.  The racks must be installed by 9/30/12 or we lose reimbursement for the project.  He is discussing installation of the racks with the DPW because the language in the grant states that they are to be installed by DPW, however, DPW stated that they were not aware of that.  

o       Fields: Staff is working on prepping of all the fields for the fall season. Everything is going well.
Rita commented to the committee and staff commending Marty and his staff on the amazing condition and job that they do on the fields and facilities.  A job well done.

•       Recreation Director Update(LC)
o       Summerscape Program: Lynne summarized that there are two weeks left of the summer camp programs, summerscape and Kid Connection.  So far there have not been any big problems at the camps, everything has run very smoothly with the staff and the children.  We are receiving a lot of positive feedback from the parents.  

o       Parking Situation at Summerscape: We are having a major issue with a neighboring resident complaining to the police department about parking at the Little School for the Summerscape program.  Her concern is that people are parking illegally in the fire lanes.  Lynne received the complaint and tried to speak with the resident unsuccessfully.  Lynne being proactive contacted the police department and met with the Police Safety Officer, another officer and spoke with the superintendants office to go over all policies and procedures for the parking and fire lanes at the Little School.  Lynne has a staff member standing in the problem areas at sign in and check out times in order to direct traffic and they have even
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moved the check in table to a new area.  Even since these changes have been made, the resident still complained to the Town Administrators office, who Lynne received a call from the TA’s Administrative assistant. Lynne feels that she and her staff has done everything in her power to make sure that all parking issues have been addressed.
Billie, Rita and Heidi all stated that Lynne should meet directly with the Town Administrator and discussed the issue and inform and reassure him of all the actions that have taken place to appease this resident.

Rita commended Lynne and her staff on a successful summer and a job well done.  

Enrollment numbers: Lynne informed the committee that the numbers in Kid Connection program have not been bad, but not great either.  Also numbers at Summerscape are lower.  She feels this is due to not having the availability of being able to go to IRP.

•       Operation Director Update (SS)
Maureen was absent. Sheila informed everyone that Maureen is still receiving a lot of permit requests.  

•       LUC Updates (RM)
1.      Golf Tournament: the golf tournament will be held on 9/30/12.  Rita asked that liaisons for the youth leagues send out documentation regarding the golf tournaments to all Leagues asking them to distribute to all their registrants listings.  Rita is also asking if the office staff can help with prep and organization of the event.

Rita left at 8:07pm to go attend the LUC meeting.  Rita turned the meeting over to Billie Luker.

•       FONRPRC Updates (SS): Next event will be the Black Friday Bowl in November.

Other Business
•       Recap of last meeting by Rita Mullin: Rita asked if we could review some topics of the previous meeting because she was unable to attend.
o       Cart Vending at the Park (RM): Rita asked why we specified “1” vendor.  Pat summarized conversation of last meeting.  Rita asked to review policy, procedures, guideline and application at next meeting.

o       Fireworks at BBQ (RM): Rita asked if P&R or FONRPRC groups are not interested in hosting a BBQ at the fireworks on 9/15/12 would we be open to letting another group do a BBQ. Marty asked how we can chose one group over another.  Subject was tabled.  

o       Skate Park Update (RM): Rita asked if we can publicize in the transcript yet regarding the skate park policies, permits, fees and guideline with procedures.  Marty stated that Maureen is still working on the permit aspect and how to handle the one day permit.  She is trying to see if it can be done online.  Marty suggested for Rita to talk to Maureen about it.  

o       Clarke Park Playground equipment (RM): Rita asked Marty what happened regarding Clarke Park Playground.  Marty summarized for Rita that a piece of equipment was being delivered with out prior approval from Parks & Recreation, so he had to refuse delivery.  It was a piece of equipment that was being looked at for the improvements for the Clarke Park Playground.  We still have to receive 3 quotes on the equipment and it was not approved for order yet.  

o       HS Tennis Courts at IRP (RM): Rita distributed copies of emails to Jon Bernard, Principal of NRHS and Dave Johnson, Athletic Director.  These emails explained P&R position on the vote to NOT approve for an additional tennis court to be constructed at IRP.  

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o       $22, 000 budget cut from Town Meeting (RM):  Rita asks how the cut came about.  Lynne summarized for Rita the lack of a quorum at the June town meeting which led to P&R being cut $22,000 for salary increases and longevity.  Maureen and Finance are working to see if the warrant article can be placed at the October Town Meeting to correct.

o       CIT (Community Impact Team) Updates (RM): Rita distributed documentation on the structure of the new CIT unit.  Rita summarized the structure and the outlook of the CIT along with its mission statement.  Rita asked if anyone on the P&R committee is interested in being involved on the sub committees for CIT.  Rita asked that from this meeting forward that a topic line for CIT Updates be place on every agenda.  

•       Boot Camps at IRP/Permitting (BL)
Billie asked if we permit for boot camps to be at IRP in early morning.  Lynne explained that they previously did not permit because they felt it was direct competition with Recreation programs, but people are doing it anyway with out asking. Billie asked Lynne if she would consider opening up permits to boot camps.  Lynne said she is open to it and will speak with Maureen about pricing and permitting.

•       Softball President (PF)
Pat asked to be able to invite Kristin Carroll, President of youth softball, to our next meeting.  Committee agreed that it is a good idea.

•       Next Meeting date (SS)
       Meeting at Town Hall on 8/20/12 in Room 10, Town Hall at 7pm
        9/3 meeting will be changed to Wednesday 9/5 due to Labor Day.

•       Adjournment
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:30 pm.
(RK) Rom Kern seconds the motion.
                Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0                 
No Discussion-Motion Passed